Title: Nevermore
Author: Kelly Creagh
Series: Nevermore
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Published: August 31, 2010
Pages: 543From The Publisher: Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English project, which is due—so unfair—on the day of the rival game. Cold and aloof, sardonic and sharp-tongued, Varen makes it clear he’d rather not have anything to do with her either. But when Isobel discovers strange writing in his journal, she can’t help but give this enigmatic boy with the piercing eyes another look.
Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life.
As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares.
His life depends on it.
4.5 stars First thoughts: This book is total crack to me. Total crack. It is creepy and dark and perfect. I started reading and the next thing I knew it was after midnight. This is definitely not your cheerleader falls in love with a bad boy (or hooligan lol) book. Not even close.
The story: It all begins with a scenario that wasn’t too out of the ordinary: Isobel the cheerleader gets paired with Varen the goth boy to work on a project for school and they are not pleased at all. However, they both want to pass so make the attempt to get it done as painlessly as possible. That is pretty much where all the normal ends. Badly behaving boyfriends, voices that speak to Isobel, and the electricity from Varen, birds…..yes, this was not normal at all.
The heroine: I loved Isobel. She was so bubbly, yet not a bimbo by any means. Even though she was popular she really was a good person inside. She made all the right choices and I couldn’t help but want to be friends with her. She was also so mature and down to earth, yet still confident and sure of herself, which is exactly the heroine I love to read about.
The Male MC: Ooooh Varen, you are so strange yet I love you. His eyes were so serious and penetrating. I could totally picture them. He was also so thin yet so lean and muscular. And the way Isobel went on about his hands, it was not like any way a heroine has ever described man’s hands but they were so very sexy. And of course, the lip ring. *swoon*
The Romance: Awesome heroine + awesome male MC = HOT HOT HOT. This was a slow burn though, my friends. There was some strange pull they had toward eachother before it was ever physical. They were absolutely drawn to each other on some level and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough becuase I loved being a part of their developing relationship and chemistry.
Twists and Turns: There were no major double crossings or OMG moments, but there is a character I can’t put my finger on….I can’t decide which team he is on, and if he has spoken the truth. I think the next installment will show his true nature.
Gripes: For me, probably the second half of the story was a little disconnected. I had a bit of a harder time following it and had to reread several passages to see if I missed something. However, I think that was the point, that what is going on still isn’t totally clear. Also, let’s be serious: I needed more Varen. I know, I know….he has to be a little MIA for this to work, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t miss him.
The ending: I think I know what happened, but I’m not really sure. Again, let’s see what is in the next book. Also, it ended at about 80% so I was like wha?? It’s over now? Well, thank goodness I can buy book 2 now.
Rec it? Absolutely positively! Ms. Creagh has a fantastic way with words and I’m addicted to her writing (and Varen). This is a creepy and awesome novel that will keep you up into the wee hours of the night.